Love fucks things up

I would never tell you this - but I guess you might've already figured it out.
Look, don't tell him, it would ruin everything.
He's probably just another one in the line of boys who make me smile. Okay, giggle like a little girl. Every time I think about him.

I feel like you have the right to know this, but I don't think i could ever tell you. You'd think it was adorable and you probably know whether he likes me or not but I don't think he does. Well, he loves me, I know that. But I don't know in which way. He acts like he's in love with me, but I haven't really accepted the fact that someone could possibly be. I may have a lot of self-confidence, but not nearly enough to believe that people like me as more than just a friend.

Why do you call it 'more' than friends anyway? It's not like friendship is something small and unimportant. It's one of the best kinds of love there is.
But maybe this is just my opinion because I've always only had friends.
And I've been happy with that. Sure, we all get the IWANTABOYFRIEEEND (if I've watched any random teenage movie) or IWANTAGIRLFRIEEEND (if I've watched Fucking Åmål recently) or whatever, but it always comes down to the fact that I'd rather have friends than lovers, and that I'm happy on my own.
But then someone comes along who is just adorable, and who treats you like you're their favorite person in the world and then you just realize that you'd be the most adorable couple in world history. But you're great as friends too, so why bother?

Love just fucks things up.

Disclaimer: Fråga inte om det här inlägget, jag kommer ändå ångra att jag skrivit det.

Vad folk tycker


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